our first baby shower ♥

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It has been a loooong time since I’ve been on my little corner of the internet. I feel like I have so much to share, but I thought I’d post our little man’s baby shower pictures for now! A couple of weekends ago, my college best friends came into town to host a baby shower for me at Nonnah’s. It truly was one of the most perfect days celebrating with such sweet friends. It made me feel so special and realize how much our little man is already loved by so many. Every one of the girls in attendance has touched my life in some way and it made me so happy for them to be a part of such a precious celebration to me. Mom and I were talking about how real it became after our first shower, that I will have my bundle of joy in my arms in 2 months! {eeeek!!}

Lots of pictures to follow…

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A huge thank you to my bff hostesses {Elizabeth, Mary Charles, Rachel, Natalie and Katherine} for such a beautiful shower– y’all are awesome!!!

Thank you for stopping by!! Hopefully I’ll have some more updates coming soon ♥