a little piece of paradise: part two & a happy birthday wish to my hubby


Morning friends! First and foremost, I want to wish the love of my life and very best friend, my hubby, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am beyond blessed to call this man my own and could not be more thankful for this oh so happy day!!! I love you!!!

I want to share some more pictures with you of our beach vacation at Topsail Island, NC. To catch up on part one, check it out here!

Some of my favorite scenes below.

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So the ocean is usually calm in the morning and then by the afternoon the waves are big enough to get a good ride on the surf board. I caught a shot of Chuck and my cousin surfing, but no one got one of me 😦 So much fun though!

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Then by late afternoon, the waves pick up and get kind of rough so the guys go to town body surfing.

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Me and sis.

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We love our daily happy hour on the beach with some jams and beach games:)

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And of course, every year we take family pictures on the beach. Fun fact: my mom has a picture of me, my brother and sister from every single year we have gone to Topsail, which is ALOT. {plus Chuck whenever he has been able to make the beach!} They are all lined up on the fridge and serve as a reminder of what fun times we have there.

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Annual Topsail Island pics… maybe one day I’ll post all the years.

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Waiting for dinner with beer and margaritas in hand. Duh.

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We rarely go out to dinner at the beach, but the couple of times we do, we splurge on local seafood {which may or not be fried 😉 } It’s fun to walk the docks and check out the shrimp boats while we wait for our table. photo 4-77photo 3-88 image-3 image-2 image-1


Hope you enjoyed the pictures! Have a great rest of the week… halfway to the weekend! 

a little piece of paradise

photo 5-62Good morning! What is it about being at the beach that rejuvenates your soul?? Every year my family goes to Topsail Island, NC {right outside of Wilmington} and every year we leave feeling refreshed, about 5 lbs. heavier {because who can say no to junk food on vacation}, with a whole lotta memories in tow! There’s always a sad feeling when leaving, because it’s just that fun every time. So today, I’m having a touch of nostalgia and want to share our beach pics with ya. However, there are so many, you’ll have to return for round two later:)

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The weather was perfection. Our first day, it threatened to storm, but low and behold the storm split off and avoided us completely. We got a cool view of the storm and our first happy hour on the beach. #winwin  photo 5-72photo 2-112 photo 4-84

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One night, our entire family went on a dinner cruise. We got some awesome photo ops along the inlet. The sunset was gorgeous and it was so fun for everyone to be stuck on a big boat, together. 🙂 I have to say, most of my life having gone to Topsail, I’ve never seen it from that view. Bonus: our captain seconded as a bartender and what do ya know, the guy makes a mean margarita. Double bonus: We saw dolphin, my favorite!!  Oh, and if you’re wondering why the dress I’m wearing looks so familiar, it’s because I’ve posted in it before. I’m obsessed with it, what can I say? {for more Judith March styles, check them out here}

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We made it a point to go to one of our favorite NY style delis a couple mornings for delicious breakfast and coffee. Talk about a great way to start the day! Note: one of my favorite lunches especially on vacation because of this place’s awesome deli selection = chicken salad, spring mix lettuce, craisins, almonds, balsamic vinaigrette. Take a pint of the goodness home, assemble, and you have yourself a pretty fantastic gourmet lunch!

Check back for more pictures to come! 🙂



It’s wedding season!

I’m baaaack! It has been one crazy last month.We have been to back to back weddings and showers in between. I love wedding season. It’s so much fun catching up with friends and celebrating couples that you’ve  their relationship blossom over the years. So, here are some pictures from the past few weeks to wrap up the latest wedding festivities!

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First up, a wedding to celebrate our friends Melissa and Jed in Lake Burton, GA. We stayed at our friends’ Natalie and Ben’s lake house on Lake Burton over the weekend, so it was perfect to spend time with them in between all of the festivities. We had the best time boating on the lake {we spotted Nick Saban and Alan Jackson (!!)…not to name drop or anything 😉 }The night before the wedding was so much fun with a live band and plenty of fun to go around.And y’all, this wedding was breathtaking kind of gorgeous! Situated right on a mountain overlooking the lake, the whole thing was just over the top beautiful, including the bride!

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Next, was a wedding in Columbia to celebrate our friends McKenzie and Ansel. This was held at a gorgeous country club downtown. It was a beautiful southern, classic wedding. McKenzie was such a beautiful and fun bride! She did a dance with her mom and mother-in-law that was adorable! The food was fantastic and they had the best candy bar… like the best selection of candy ever. Oh, and we had the best time boogying down with the band!

wedding ecard


So, that’s all I have for you as far as weddings go:) More updates on our latest happenings coming soon!