latest spring happenings

TGIF!! It’s been a long time since I’ve checked in. I thought I’d take a break from the blog world for a little while.  BUT I’m back with a picture heavy post to update you on our latest happenings.

So far, Easter has passed by. We’ve enjoyed lots of lake sunsets and boat cruises. We’ve entertained at our house with some of our great couple friends.

I had two of my best friends in town for a Girls Weekend getaway. We had tons of delicious appetizers, enjoyed the lake, went garage sale shopping {with mimosas to go. duh.}  It was such a nice time to catch up with each other away from our busy lives. The weather cooperated nicely too. Chuck even stuck around for a little bit and made us the most amazing brunch on Sunday morning. {sweet potato pancakes… including homemade syrup. To. Die. For.}

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I even got to hang with these cutie pies… 😉

Oh, and my family adopted two sweet kitty cats… thought I’d debut them on here. King & Lady. I never thought I’d see the day that they’d own cats, but they’re actually really sweet. I fell in love with one at the shelter, but unfortunately Chuck is allergic. If anyone wants a sweet orange one, I know where to get one!


I plan on sharing some recipes next week, sorry this post is so picture heavy… I just couldn’t get it all in!I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! 

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